2022 PacifiGo Perennial

Every year, we like to have at least one tournament that doesn’t cost entrants anything to enter. This tradition started with the Jenny Yang Realty Cup, and has continued with the PacifiGo Perennial. The last couple of years have been… rough… for this tradition (can’t imagine why), but this year we are determined to have a full roster of tournaments. Thus, we are happy to announce a date and venue for this year’s PacifiGo Perennial!

On the 28th of May, players will descend on the nice room of Comics Plus at 478 Ipswich Road, Annerley for a day of go, conversation and general fun times!

Details are still being hammered out, we’ll let you know when we do. But that date is as set in stone as anything is these days, so mark your calenders and study your tesuji!

By Allan Hunt

Supreme High Overlord of the Brisbane Go Club, and owner/operator of PacifiGo, I enjoy many different types of games, really enjoy psychology and occasionally help run various go events around the place

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